Drinking from the Fire Hose

Information, information, information, and yet more information.

Being in business school is being in a wash of information. Processing and reading this information is somewhat like being a contestant on Stanley Spadowski’s variety show on UHF. Case readings, regular readings, book readings … where does one find that time for the ever important personal readings or research needed to develop our specific interests and business knowledge?

What follows are a few tips that I’ve used over the past two years that have really helped manage the way I process news and information, and presently keeps me from being overwhelmed by the torrents of water directed at my head.

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2 days, 7 languages, 41 countries

Its Friday morning, and while I sit here catching up on the latest in enterprise architecture methodologies while waiting for deliveries, I wanted to reflect for a moment on my first two days at business school.

The sheer diversity, both in heritage, ethnicity, and experience is staggering. A Japanese track classmate has already lived in Japan for three years as part of the JET program. One student has traveled to over 41 countries and the closest runner-up, 40. There is a Belgian gentleman in our cohort that has learned 7 languages, while yet another has spent a year and a half teaching english in South America. Still many more come from such diverse backgrounds as Peace Corps volunteers looking to excel in micro-finance and, presumably, take those still back to such countries for good use. Another, a Blackhawk pilot, putting his focus on the middle east.

Most MBA programs may give you a global curriculum geared to bringing you up to speed on varying accounting methods or global dynamics and responsibility, and this program has all of that. But I have yet to see any other MBA program with the type of diversity in the student body that I can see here …and that is what I am truly excited about.

So as I lay flat on my back in the pool unwinding from my first day of orientation and career management planning (yes, we start this before we even begin classes), the majority language being spoken in this aquatic environment was not English, but German. I was the American/English minority, here in South Carolina.

Japan Trip – Day 6 – Osaka Aquarium

Japan Trip Day 6

From Thursday, November 17th: Day six of my Japan trip was spent wandering around the underground malls of Osaka. When we finally popped our heads up for air, we realized we were fairly close the Osaka Aquarium. Let’s head on over.

I present to you, “Today’s Zen Moment” with a dozen or so photos of the critters inside the aquarium, and not always just the fish. More photos here.

Getting Organized, Getting Ready

Change of address, turn gas off, turn electricity on, get Internet access, find a storage company, move all my belongings somewhere else, get renter’s insurance … the list went on and on. I am surprised that with the recent move, I haven’t forget something. But all the while, I’ve got this sinking suspicion that I really have.

With graduate school about to begin, and my somewhat masochistic choice to continue my employment part-time while in school looming overhead, I fear my personal task list is about to explode in my face. So this week, I’ve turned my attention to different organizational techniques that I am hoping will free up some creative time and keep me somewhat sane for the next three years.

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Moved In


It has been a long weekend for sure, but a fun and rewarding one. It’s Tuesday morning and I’m finally feeling like I’m settled in. Over the weekend, my lovely girlfriend Linda, my best friend Mike, and Linda’s sister Robin helped move me down to South Carolina. Each of these individuals took nearly 6 days out of their schedule to come help me. I’m so in debt to each of them. Thanks you guys!!

We left on Wednesday and by Thursday night we were playing cards in my new apartment in gorgeous downtown Columbia, SC. It was very hot and humid but the AC here always works great. I’ve got a pretty decent view off of my balcony and there is plenty of room for me, perhaps too much almost.

We capped the weekend off by spending three days in Charleston, SC. I will post pictures when I have my own dedicated Internet connection.

For the rest of the week, its diving into the books, catching up on what’s been going on at my company while I’ve been gone, and taking care of leftover bills and address changes. I already miss everyone from New Haven.

On The Road

On the Road

June 22nd – Leaving for South Carolina

The big moving day. Mike is driving my car down behind me and we are getting ready to leave for South Carolina. We’re going to split up the drive into two days and try to get as far as we can into the south before pulling over for the night.

Sixteen hours on the road in a U-Haul, get ready for the fun..

Lightning Photo

June 20th - 21:21:18 - Lightning (No PS)

Canon EOS20d 1/60 f1.8 20mm ISO400 Sigma20mm (full size)

It started to storm up while I was finishing my packing the other night. I ran outside with the camera hoping to grab a few shots of the storm. I was always about 1/2 a second behind the lightning, my human reflexes just could not keep up.

However, I got lucky when I tried to take a picture of the lights on the passing vehicle. Mother nature decided to give me a beautiful show. Though the clouds look truly unreal, I can promise you that there was no photoshop involved with this photo. This was raw from the camera. I will most likely never take a photo quite like this again. 😉

Automated and Secure iPod Backups

As my digital life becomes more complicated I’ve run across numerous backup strategies that have been helpful. However, I recently discovered an easy way to keep a digitally secure copy of my most critical documents with me at any point in time. This article is a shortened version of a larger article I am working on regarding comprehensive mac backup strategies.

The Goal

Make a portable, secure, and do-not-have-to-think-about-it backup solution for my critical documents.

As an MBA student who is working on lots of projects at any point time, having an easy and secure backup on my iPod seems like the most practical solution. However, being a busy MBA student, this is not something I want to have to think about every week or even every day.

I have a 15″ MacBookPro, a 4GB iPod Nano, and OSX 10.4.6. Lets go…

Continue reading “Automated and Secure iPod Backups”

Crawling Out

Crawling Out

Canon EOS20d 1/13 f5.0 27mm ISO200 (full size)

I had read an interesting post on taking more interesting photographs earlier in the week. I wish I had saved the link so I could post it. At any rate, one of the techniques that stuck in my head was to think of common objects from different angles or in different positions. As I was cleaning the bathroom today with the harshest of cleaning products, I took a quick break to see how I could make the gloves seem like a large looming monster. Meh, ok I think but not my best work.